At Cuango Cosméticos, we place great value on honesty and transparency and are committed to building solid and lasting relationships with all our customers, based on trust and mutual benefit. Part of this commitment is to protect and respect the privacy and choices of all our customers. For us, it is essential to respect your privacy. That is why we have established our Privacy Policy in full below.

1) We respect your privacy and your choices.
2) We make sure that privacy and security are integrated into everything we do.
3) We do not send you marketing communications.
4) We never offer or sell your data.
5) We are committed to being open and transparent about how we use your data.
6) We do not use your data in ways that have not been informed to you.
7) We respect your rights and always try to accommodate your requests as far as possible, in line with our own legal and operational responsibilities.
For more information about our privacy practices, we have set out below the types of personal data that we can receive directly from you or your interaction with us, how we can use it, with whom we can share it, how we protect and keep it safe, as well as your rights regarding your personal data. Of course, not all situations will apply to you. This privacy policy provides you with an overview of all possible situations in which we can interact with each other.
When you share personal data with us or when we collect personal data about you, we use it in accordance with this Policy. Please read this information carefully. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal data, please contact

Cuango Cosméticos is responsible for data processing for the purposes of applicable data protection legislation.

“Personal data” means any information that can identify you either directly (for example, your name) or indirectly (for example, data presented under a pseudonym, such as a tax number). It therefore means that personal data includes information such as email address, personal addresses, mobile phone number, user names, profile pictures, user generated content and financial information. It can also include unique numeric identifiers such as the computer’s IP address or the MAC address of the mobile device, as well as cookies.

Cuango Cosméticos believes that the consumer is at the center of what we do. We love to hear from you, to know about you and to create and supply products that you enjoy. And we know that many of our consumers love to talk to us. So there are many ways in which you can share your personal data with us, and in which we can collect it.

How do we collect or receive your data?
We may collect or receive data sent by you through our websites, forms or brand pages in social media or others. Sometimes you provide it to us directly (for example, when you create an account, when you contact us, when you make purchases from our website. Sometimes we collect this data (for example, using cookies to understand how you use our websites). < br>
When we collect data, we indicate the required fields with asterisks, when the data in question is necessary for:
– Celebrate our contract with you (for example for the supply of products you purchased on our website); – Respect the legal requirements (for example, invoicing).
If you do not provide data marked with an asterisk, it may affect our ability to provide products and services.